Cross member
SPE Award 2021
Category Enabler Technology
Audi entered the transmission cross member in the Enabler Technology category together with Schöfer, Engel and AKRO-PLASTIC. The transmission cross member was developed to replace the aluminum die-cast component used in series production. The component was already designed during the construction phase using several iteration loops, including dynamic simulation in Digimat, in order to optimally absorb the very high loads. The AKROMID® A3 ICF 40 black (5116) material used, with additional reinforcement in the form of carbon fiber tape, not only meets the high demands placed on the component, but the recycled carbon fiber from dry scrim offcuts also meets sustainability expectations. The component with hard coating insert bushings passes the demanding corrosion test (INKA test) and reduces the weight by around 20% compared to series production.
About the SPE Automotive Award
The Automotive Division Award, the SPE Central Europe, section of the Society of Plastics Engineers Inc., has been issuing every six months since 1992, is supported by well-known companies in the plastics industry, this year by A. Schulman / LyondellBasell, AKRO-PLASTIC, DSM Engineering Plastics, EMSChemie, Grafe Advanced Polymers and KraussMaffei Technologies.